Monday 6 July 2015

Why you are putting on weight

Anyone who has gained weight fairly quickly or without apparent cause should see their doctor, as there are various medical conditions which could cause weight gain. These include thyroid problems, diabetes, some medication and other conditions. However, more often than not, it is more likely that you have gained weight for another reason, one which can be sorted out quite readily at home.

Gaining weight is simply consuming more calories than we burn off during the day, although lifestyles can play a significant role. Consider your lifestyle and how various factors could help you pile on the pounds.


Stress is something many of us experience on a regular basis, so much so that it is often a part of our everyday lives. Our jobs, financial worries, the family, health and plenty more all cause stress at some point in our lives. This may result in us eating more ready meals loaded with sugar, salt and fat as we don't have the energy or motivation to cook healthy meals. We may drink more alcohol as a way to relax, even though alcohol can disturb our sleep patterns and result in more stress. If you are feeling stressed as you are short of time, you may not get as much exercise as you should.

Lack of sleep

If you have lots of late nights, you may not be getting enough sleep. This can affect our moods and energy levels, perhaps leading to eating more junk food and drinking more alcohol, all leading to weight gain. If you are tired you are also less likely to want to hit the gym after a day at work.


It is so tempting to sit in front of the television eating your meal and not moving for the rest of the evening. You are also more likely to graze on snacks through the day and evening if you are sat watching TV. After a couple of hours watching TV, you are more likely to feel demotivated and less energetic and so be tempted to stay where you are and not exercise.

Size of portions

I think it is safe to say that many of us pile our plates high with food at meal times, and it's not usually with salad! Eating out at buffet style restaurants encourages us to eat more, returning for second and third helpings. Many restaurants serve extra large portions of food which we feel obliged to eat, piling on the pounds.

What can you do to change bad habits?

I was guilty of all the above, feeling so stressed that I couldn't be bothered to exercise or cook healthy food. At one point I didn't even want to walk the dog, which I am pleased to say soon changed when she piled on the weight. All I wanted to do was come home from work, get something quick and easy to eat and slump in front of the TV. Snacks like crisps, nuts and dips were all part of my night time routine watching my favourite shows, along with a glass or two of wine. Eventually I realised I had reached a point where I felt unhealthy and unattractive, had lost confidence and didn't know how to tackle the problem.

My daughter helped me by saying she wanted to change her eating habits to help improve her skin-she suffered from acne at that time. I joined her healthy eating crusade as I couldn't eat goodies in front of her, as I felt guilty. Out went the alcohol, fizzy pop, biscuits, sweets, crisps and other food which is considered junk, and in came fresh fruit and vegetables, plain water and herbal teas, oats, and other natural foods. This may sound extreme, but we stuck to this for eight weeks. The first couple of weeks were hard but it got easier. After eight weeks, I had lost around 10 pounds without dieting and never feeling hungry or deprived. At this time I just walked more each day. I am glad to say the dog also became much fitter! I will provide more details about this way of eating in a later post.

Make the time to plan healthy meals ahead of time so that you have something ready when you get in from a hectic day at work. You will also find that you save money doing this. Rather than slump in front of the TV, make time to eat as a family and discuss the events of the day.

Don't pile your plate so high that you end up feeling bloated. Use a slightly smaller plate and only have more if you are genuinely hungry after waiting for half an hour. You will soon get used to eating slightly smaller portions and any digestive problems you suffer from, like bloating and excess wind may improve considerably.

Take time to consider your health and well being, getting enough sleep each night. If you are burning the candle at both ends, either partying or working too hard, try to adjust your routine so you get between six and eight hours sleep a night. A regular sleep pattern will help you to feel more alert, concentrate and avoid those unhealthy snacks during the day.

Take time to study your lifestyle and which factors could be causing you to put on weight. Taking care of yourself and making a few changes could help you shed the pounds.

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