Friday 12 June 2015

An introduction to losing weight and finding good health

This is a blog about my journey losing weight and finding a healthy way of life without dieting and depriving myself. I will share details of my weight and how I piled on the pounds, before letting you know how I lost the weight. This is my introduction, but first I would like to share a little information about myself. I am a single mom of two grown up children, work full time and also work part time to boost my income. I enjoy walking our dog everyday, and socialising with friends when I have the time.

As I have got older, I have realised that I don't want to spend my time dieting and worrying about what I eat, or not having a glass of wine with friends because of the calories. However, I do want to remain healthy and don't want to develop conditions and health problems associated with being overweight.

I am 50 years old and until the age of about 42 had always weighed around nine stone and been a size 10. I could eat what I liked within reason and did minimal exercise. A few years ago, I started to put on weight and eventually ended up at 11 stone 13 pounds at my heaviest- I was overweight, couldn't be bothered to exercise and became fairly depressed. I couldn't fit into any of my clothes and felt unattractive. To cap it all, I was fairly sure I was going through the menopause (we women have it all to look forward to!)

I tried a conventional diet, where I counted calories and joined the gym. I lost some weight and promptly put it all back on! While looking for a solution to a problem my daughter was suffering with, I came across information which helped me to shed two stone in about six months, without giving up my Friday night tipple or being hungry. I will tell you how I did it in my next post, coming soon.

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